Wednesday 28 January 2015

Final Post!! :D :D

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes? 
During this month of English I have learned various lesson forgotten or maybe (and more probably), never learned. Because my experience with the idiom are not very good. From to english from elementary school to today  I´ve been complicated for my but now is a little more understandable, and this is very good!. Now I can to talk as cavewoman but it's better than nothing jajjaa. Thank you for your good disposition and for making this more nicer. :)

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?
I think that I need learn much, really, because it is the hardest for my, of all things  u_u
I do not understand because much, but I want to learn since I understand how important English today, for all, work, relationships and everyday life. Now I think that the idiom is more friendly and I hope to learn a little more each day. 

About your well deserved summer holidays:
1. What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.
The next month I going to Boliviaaaa!!, I can finally know this place <3 I feel very happy with my plans of vacations. I´ll go with a friend (special friend jajaja) and maybe two friends more. 
Firstly we will  travel to Iquique in airplan, and after travel to Bolivia in city bus. One friend told us that is more cheap in this way. I want to find many place!, among them: el Salar de Uyuni, el Lago Titicaca and el parque Madidi primarily. 

Thursday 22 January 2015


 Hi!, this is the last video this subject of summer , where I will talk about one of my work. In this case I choose my last work of the central workshop from my specialty: metalwork <3.

I factury a heart of copper, with different techniques as for example: cut, embossing, soldering and stitched whit cooper thread.
This work is called "reconstitución de un suspiro" and is a work very important for my because together with close a cycle academic, its help me understand how personality is define with our expreriences and people who are part of our lives. Because of this the heart is formed with different part and besides each part has even different color and texture.
This work took me a long time, around to six month, one semester complete!.
Well, her I live mi page of Facebook, where you can find some of my work:


Friday 16 January 2015

Post 6. Have you ever...?

1. Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair style, hair color or weight)

- Yes, I change my hair style always when I feel in process complicated of my life and this is at least twice a year. I fell better when I change because the change not is only purely superficial. When I do I feel renewed <3


2. Have you ever slept in a tent?

Yes! I loved go to slept in tent, not because its`s comfortable, but because it a sense of the of freedom and relax. In fact last week went to "Reserva del Rio Clarillo" with a friend, was great!.

3. Have you ever tried riding a skateboard?
One time I try, but I fell a skateboard. Sincerely the sports I do not like, from child to today. I prefer to do other things. I like only ride a bike <3

4. Have you ever been mugged?
No, but yesterday after the class of English, when I was going to home with my friend Paula, almost steal me!.
I discovered to robber in fragante, with his hand in my backpack and I confront, then appeared a police and he it was chasing. At least was not stolen nothing.

Thursday 8 January 2015

post 5. 2 Film Directors

Hi everyone!, today I goin to talk about 2 film director.

First:  Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese director film of animation, ilustrator, draftsman and manga artist. He born in January 5, 1941. Miyazaki is co-founded Studio Ghibli and director of  popular film for example: princess Mononoke, my neighbor Totoro and spirited away <3 .
The Japanese graphics is really amazing for my, and my favorite film of Miyazaki is "Spirited Away".
The movie is about a little girl that  move to a new home with her parents,  but half way to their new home, all the family gets lost!,after that come the best jajaja.

Second: Eliseo Subiela is Argentine film director and writen, born in Buenos Aires, December 27, 1944. I like three film to Subiela : El lado oscuro del corazón, No te mueras sin decirme a donde vas y  Hombre mirando al Sudeste. (Only has few film  more). My favorite of Subiela is Hombre mirando al Sudeste, that in despite of limited resources and bad photography is a good film, that speaking of topics affective sometimes forgotten, from a mixture of fiction and reality. I like and recommend movies of Subiela :)

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Post 4. My opinion about...

1.What is your opinion about jazz music?
I love it the jazz music, because is rhythmic and melodious melody, distrat me.
Also has different instrument and this create a wealth of music too splendid.
(By the way, the instrument of metal is beautiful!!! <3 )

2.What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I thinks that the marijuana would be to free access, because anyway will be consume and recently the marijuan is very important for use medicinal and complicate a the people that need this wonderful plant.

3.What is your opinion about recycling?
The recycling would be introduce completely  in our cotidian life, or at least some how, because is a little measure that help in some at the environment. Try to help using piece of glass instead of plastic and this easy! 

4.What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I believe that abortion is one decision of the woman, nobody more. Clearly I agree with legalizing, I think no is fair that someone go the prison for have an abortion. 

What is your opinion about abstract art?
I thinks that every art is abstract and have different interpretation, even the realism. Because have many factor that generate opinion dissimilar of the same. The end. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Post 3. 2014!

Hi classmate!, first: happy new year! and, second: the post.
Today will talk the last year, general evaluation and other point.
Well, the year 2014 was very complicated for me, because I happened various things to different aspect of my life, good and bad.
I began project that I had in mind for a long time. The most important, my workshop!, for I can did my works serenely in my space, is very necessary had this place, really. And is a big achievement for me <3
But is complicated for my paid,  because I dont have regular work. (typical of artist, já)
Also this year I fought with my father in a trial. That good is I got rids this problem and win the trial.
Besides this year I had to change some plans due to I reprobed english and this subject was my unique subject the last year (and this! jajaja).
In other words the last year I learned too much, afforded some problem hence I think to grew emotionally.
Bye Bye, see you tomarrow u_u

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Post 2. A country I would like to visit.

Hi everyone, in this post I am going to tell about to Colombia, te country I going to do like visit.
Well, is difficult for my decided only one country because I like travel and have many country in list , as pending.
But, I choose Colombia because is one country that generate happiness, for her colour, music, food and flowers. In Fact, is referred as the city of the eternal spring or the capital of the flowers
besides the weather is perfect for my like, between 18 and 28° and have fruits exotic as: the maracuya, honeygolden pineapple, watermelon, mango and only to name the most known in our country. Really enthusiasm me to know that country, have many of the things that enjoy, i like the warm weather and thousand fruits different. I would like only go on vacations for a time and able to go to a couple the afternoons to the beaches what see really beautiful and walk on Medellin, what haves imponent and ancient buildings what only add to all what I told you.
bye! :D