Wednesday 28 January 2015

Final Post!! :D :D

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes? 
During this month of English I have learned various lesson forgotten or maybe (and more probably), never learned. Because my experience with the idiom are not very good. From to english from elementary school to today  I´ve been complicated for my but now is a little more understandable, and this is very good!. Now I can to talk as cavewoman but it's better than nothing jajjaa. Thank you for your good disposition and for making this more nicer. :)

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?
I think that I need learn much, really, because it is the hardest for my, of all things  u_u
I do not understand because much, but I want to learn since I understand how important English today, for all, work, relationships and everyday life. Now I think that the idiom is more friendly and I hope to learn a little more each day. 

About your well deserved summer holidays:
1. What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.
The next month I going to Boliviaaaa!!, I can finally know this place <3 I feel very happy with my plans of vacations. I´ll go with a friend (special friend jajaja) and maybe two friends more. 
Firstly we will  travel to Iquique in airplan, and after travel to Bolivia in city bus. One friend told us that is more cheap in this way. I want to find many place!, among them: el Salar de Uyuni, el Lago Titicaca and el parque Madidi primarily. 

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