Tuesday 30 December 2014

Post 2. A country I would like to visit.

Hi everyone, in this post I am going to tell about to Colombia, te country I going to do like visit.
Well, is difficult for my decided only one country because I like travel and have many country in list , as pending.
But, I choose Colombia because is one country that generate happiness, for her colour, music, food and flowers. In Fact, is referred as the city of the eternal spring or the capital of the flowers
besides the weather is perfect for my like, between 18 and 28° and have fruits exotic as: the maracuya, honeygolden pineapple, watermelon, mango and only to name the most known in our country. Really enthusiasm me to know that country, have many of the things that enjoy, i like the warm weather and thousand fruits different. I would like only go on vacations for a time and able to go to a couple the afternoons to the beaches what see really beautiful and walk on Medellin, what haves imponent and ancient buildings what only add to all what I told you.
bye! :D

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